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Presented By
Darin Ingels, ND, FAAEM
Dr. Ingels is a respected leader in natural medicine with numerous publications, international lectures and more than 25 years experience in the healthcare field. He has been published extensively and is the author of two books, The Natural Pharmacist: Lowering Cholesterol (Prima, 1999) and Natural Treatments for High Cholesterol (Prima, 2000). He has also written a chapter on allergy desensitization for autistic children in Cutting Edge Therapies for Autism (Skyhorse, 2014). Dr. Ingels is the author of the upcoming book on Lyme disease The Lyme Solution: A 5-Part Plan To Fight The Inflammatory Autoimmune Response And Beat Lyme Disease (Avery, 2018). Dr. Ingels’ practice focuses on environmental medicine with special emphasis on chronic immune dysfunction, including Lyme disease, autism, allergies, asthma, recurrent or persistent infections and other genetic or acquired immune problems.