Journal of Restorative Medicine

Expanding the Evidence Base of Natural Medicine
Restorative Medicine Digest

Recent Articles

Case Report: Effects of Diet on Hypercholesterolemia

By researching the biochemical processes of foods that lower cholesterol, we were able to identify the ideal combinations of food types, consumption frequencies, and amounts that led to the decreased LDL-C.

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Improving Biological Age, Telomere Length, and Cognition: A Case Report on the Use of Therapeutic Plasma Exchange, Peptides, Umbilical Cord Tissue Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Exosomes in a Patient with Cognitive Decline

This case study reports on the novel combination of three treatments for cognitive decline in a 79-year-old male: therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE), peptides, and human umbilical cord tissue mesenchymal stem cells and exosomes (UCT-MSC-EXs).

To our knowledge, this is the first case study to report on reducing biological age, increasing telomere length, and improving cognition using this unique combination of therapies in a patient with mild to moderate cognitive decline.

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Effects of a Nutritional Supplement Combination on Blood Glucose Measurements in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes

We studied the effect of a dietary supplement on blood glucose. This prospective, single-arm, unblinded clinical interventional study investigated the impact of a nutritional supplement combination on fasting glucose and glycated hemoglobin (A1c) levels, which were measured before and after the intervention. The supplement, which consisted of organic mulberry leaf extract, LactoSpore probiotics, and Fenumannan prebiotic, was given to adult (age ≥21 years) prediabetics and adults with type 2 diabetes (A1c >5.60 mg/dL). The study protocol comprised six phases including initial and final tests for fasting glucose and A1c, and a 12-week period of supplement administration. The statistical analyses were carried out using SPSS and Intellectus Statistics. A total of 24 participants completed the study. A reduction of 0.94% in the A1c level and 40.52% in the fasting glucose level were found. These preliminary findings suggest that the nutritional supplement combination might be clinically effective in reducing fasting glucose and A1c in prediabetic adults and those with type 2 diabetes.

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Expediting COVID-19 Recovery with an Orthomolecular Approach: Two Case Reports

These case reports discuss two middle-aged patients with confirmed symptomatic COVID-19 infection that improved swiftly upon receiving orthomolecular oral and intravenous therapy. The intravenous solution provided minerals like magnesium, as well as vitamin C and B complex vitamins, among others. The patients also started iodine-based nasopharyngeal decontamination spray and oral supplements, including substantial doses of vitamins C, B complex, and D, as well as magnesium, zinc, quercetin, melatonin, and omega-3. In addition, two types of biological response modifiers, palmitoylethanolamide and specialized proresolving factor marine lipid concentrate, were used. As well as reporting on the treatment and evolution of both cases, we review the mechanisms and clinical evidence supporting each element of the treatment protocol.

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CBD as a Physiological Modulator for Cancer

The current standard-of-care treatment regimens for cancer frequently have serious and irreversible adverse effects. Ideally, therapeutic modalities should help control symptoms and improve the patient’s quality of life while causing minimal or no toxic effects. In this regard, it is worth examining cannabidiol (CBD) for its potential anticancer properties. CBD may possess antitumor activity through several mechanisms, including regulating reactive oxygen species, endoplasmic reticulum stress, inflammation, and immune modulation. In addition, pre-clinical studies indicate that CBD is a potential modulator of growth factors and induces apoptosis in tumor cells. This review summarizes the evidence regarding the effects of CBD as a non-toxic adjuvant in cancer care.

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The Net Micronutrient Balance Value Concept: Revisiting Orthomolecular Nutrition

Nutrition research has been pivotal in establishing causality between dietary (nutrient) intake and health outcome measures. Nutrition is also relevant in the determination of dietary requirements and levels of supplementation to achieve specific physiological outcomes. Careful nutritional research led to the conclusion that food products considered the same or equivalent may have significant differences due to soil quality, agricultural methods, contaminants, food processing, additives, and cooking methods. We propose the concept of the net micronutrient balance value (NMBV), which refers to the actual micronutrient content of the food product minus the portion not absorbed and the amount depleted in metabolic processes due to additives, contaminants, medication, and faulty metabolism. Diet quality over time determines physical growth, mental development, and numerous health risks, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and many other chronic conditions. Therefore, research in nutrition needs to identify and consider the specific variables that determine NMBV to provide better uniformity in nutrition research and produce more significant and meaningful findings.

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Intermittent Fasting and Cancer

Intermittent fasting (IF) has been shown to confer several physiological benefits, such as improved glucose regulation, stress resilience, suppression of inflammation, and in relation to cancer, tumor growth inhibition. These benefits can be accomplished through several mechanisms, such as induction of autophagy, mitophagy, autophagic cell death, and changes in the cellular metabolic environment. The nutritional restriction is a promising protocol to modulate autophagy and enhance the efficacy of anticancer therapies while protecting normal cells. IF may offer cancer patients an effective and less toxic adjuvant treatment for cancer. In addition, IF has shown benefits when combined with the use of chemotherapeutic drugs resulting in a decrease in side effects and an increase in the effectiveness of the drugs. This article discusses the evidence in support of dietary restriction, specifically IF, as a tool that may provide physiological and epigenetic benefits in the management of cancer.

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Decoding Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Systems Biology Approach

This review will discuss the evidence regarding how various environmental risk factors, such as infections agents and physical trauma, can lead to neuropathological changes by disrupting autophagy in ALS and potential treatment options in the management of each environmental factor previously discussed.

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The Effect of Qigong Meditation on Serum Cortisol, BDNF, and Cognitive Function: A Pilot Study

Background: Mind–body practices have a variety of health implications, including inflammatory modulation, cognitive improvement, and impact on neurofunction. Some of these effects have been demonstrated through rapidly developing technology and their impact on circulating blood levels of hormones and other molecules. As neurotrophic factors like brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and hormones such as cortisol have been shown to play a role in cognitive function, this pilot study assessed the influence of a mind–body intervention, Qigong, on circulating levels in participants.

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Nature Therapy: Part One: Evidence for the Healing Power of Contact with Nature

Human enjoyment of natural environmental settings is common to all cultures. It is a complex, evolutionary, psychophysiological response with notable potential to positively impact both physical and mental health of individuals and populations. Four decades of research have produced a large body of empirical and experimental studies demonstrating the benefits of contact with Nature. A sufficient evidence base now allows for meaningful systematic reviews and meta-analyses to begin to guide health recommendations. This is the first of three articles to review the state of the science on the potential health benefits of contact with Nature, covering Visual Nature, Forest Therapy, Gardening, Residential Greenspace, and Blue Space.

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