
Indications Dysbiosis, diabetes, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, and inflammatory bowel disease. Mechanism of Action Berberine is a compound found in the protoberberine group of isoquinoline alkaloids, and is considered the major active component present in several plant species.1 Besides antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory effects,2 recent studies have shown that berberine and…

Siberian Ginseng, Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus/ Acanthopanax senticosus)

Indications Fatigue, poor stamina, and stress intolerance. Used for adrenal support, nervous and mood disorders such as depression, mental fatigue, and poor concentration and is a traditional remedy to improve immune function in both chronic and acute infections. Mechanism of Action Much of medicinal actions of Eleutherococcus are credited to…