This issue presents several review articles and original research in the areas of bone health, endocrinology, immune function, vector borne illness, viral infections and cardiovascular disease.

Karan Baucom, MD, Lara Pizzorno, MA and Joseph Pizzorno, ND review the pathophysiology of osteoporosis, diagnostic tests and risk factors in their article “Osteoporosis: The Need for Prevention and Treatment”. The authors present, in detail, the importance of adequate nutritional intake of calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K2 during adolescent years and key modifiable risk factors to prevent or minimize risk of fracture.

Advances in the study of endocrinology have occurred in recent years, especially in the areas of thyroid hormone conversion and metabolic activity and thyroid hormone transport. Dr. Kent Holtorf contributes two review articles on thyroid hormones, entitled “Peripheral Thyroid Hormone Conversion and Its Impact on TSH and Metabolic Activity” and “Thyroid Hormone Transport into Cellular Tissue”. These articles provide a comprehensive review of the literature pertaining to the clinical relevance of cellular deiodinase activity and thyroid hormone transport, both of which play important roles in T3 concentrations. Dr. Holtorf also warns of the difficulties of relying on TSH or serum thyroid levels as a measure of hypothyroidism in the presence of comorbid conditions. Alternate clinical and laboratory assessments are presented as well as clinical recommendations for T3 replacement therapy.

Eric Yarnell, ND, provides a review of Sweet Annie and the vector borne illness malaria in the article “Artemisia annua (Sweet Annie), Other Artemisia Species, Artemisinin, Artemisinin Derivatives, and Malaria”. The author reviews the history, pharmacokinetics, safety and clinical efficacy of the whole plant and bioactive constituents of Sweet Annie to prevent malaria and its transmission.

A review of the evidence on a possible theory that progesterone within ovulatory menstrual cycles is necessary for cardiovascular protection has been contributed by Dr. Jerilynn C. Prior. Dr. Prior presents a review of the scientific and clinical evidence on progesterone, a hormone that plays a key role in the stimulation and regulation of important biological functions, to support this new and relevant hypothesis.

In this issue we also present two original research articles. David Zamechek, MS and Cynthia A. Wenner, PhD studied Lomatium dissectum which has a traditional use as a treatment for influenza. The authors report their findings on a possible mechanism of action of Lomatium dissectum. We have also chosen to publish the article “Combination Effects of Quercetin, Resveratrol and Curcumin on In Vitro Intestinal Absorption” by Kaleb C. Lund, PhD and Traci Pantuso, ND. The authors present their findings on how concomitant administration of bioactive constituents may enhance their absorption in the intestinal tract. This research is important in understanding effects of concomitant health product interactions.

Jill Stansbury, ND contributed the AARM Reference Review article, “Rosmarinic Acid as a Novel Agent in the Treatment of Allergies and Asthma,” examining the anti-inflammatory, immune modulating and antioxidant effects of rosmarinic acid. The author also reviews the safety profile of rosmarinic acid and clinical trials supporting a role for rosmarinic acid in the treatment of allergic conditions.

I would personally like to thank all of the contributors and our readers who continue to make the Journal of Restorative Medicine a success. We pride ourselves on bringing high quality, peer-reviewed educational articles and new research supporting restorative medicine to our readers. We look forward to continued success and hope that clinicians and scientists will continue to contribute their research with our readership in an effort to promote the use of natural health products and advance the knowledge and understanding of restorative medicine.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14200/jrm.2014.3.0101